Hi, this is Neil Brown from Winston-Salem, North Carolina. I run a small web design and digital marketing agency. I joined Joe’s program because I was struggling to consistently bring in new leads and deal flow for my own agency. I came across Joe, saw what he was doing, the program that he had created and that it wasn’t just theory, which you see sometimes out there with online programs.
consWhat Joe teaches he actually implements for himself, so that was really appealing to me. He’s kind of packaged up his knowledge and experience into this program and made it available for people who are going through similar struggles with growing their agency. I’ve been a member of Joe’s program now for a couple of weeks, really enjoying the content so far. I finally have a good lead generation system set up for my agency and I just turned it on, running AdWords to it.
I’ve already started getting several leads through it, so I’m really pleased with that. And just knowing that as I continue going through this program, that it’s really going to help transform my agency and make the consistent and lead flow a lot stronger than it ever has been before.
If you’re a freelancer or a small agency owner and you’re wanting to take your business to the next level, then I definitely recommend getting in touch with Joe and signing up for his program. Thanks.
50% Complete
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